Scan QR code on Kayaks /SUP/Canoe, you will get options e.g Rent on demand like hourly basis or weekly or monthly subscription.
Sign the waiver form and with successful transaction, lock will be unlocked and HAVE FUN
Time to return Kayak: Place the kayak at same place, put the padel and life Jacket in the Box and Lock the kayak.
End the rental from ShareKayak and you will get receipt for the rental and security deposit will be refunded.
If you have kayaks/SUPs ,small space( maximum 5 Square meters) at nearest beach or you have collaboration with local community and love passive income, this is an ideal business oppertunity for you. Anyone can become self service kayak station owner by following these steps.
Have some kayaks/SUP (secondhand or buy from alibaba/amazon) with Kayak stand.
Permission to place to Kayak at beach
Request ShareKayak locks with QR Code by sending email at
Install locks on Kayaks.
Connect your stripe account so customer can pay directly to you.
Create different packages like 10EUR/ hour , 30 EUR/ week etc.
Congratz !!!! you are live
Whenever anyone scan qr code on your kayaks and makes a transaction, they will pay directly to you.